Mystical Lavender Garden - 

Knowing What Is

Knowing what is real and true about Life, is knowing our own Self as a glorious fractal of the Divine Ever-ongoing Eternal Isness. You see, you know for yourself this Light of God is Real and you live this Unbound joyful Truth. Being here, being the holy spark of That Which Is Real, the Everlasting Life we are. What is true cannot be lost nor hidden from the Heart and Soul of us. The Wonder of God is this wind blown freedom of an irresistible and effortless Beauty that Lives within us. We find It here in the open meadow, the wildflowers under the glimmering periwinkle sky. We know the Truth of God in the moonlight song heard echoing ten thousand fathoms deep into starry night. This is quite plenty enough for to let us know the sublime Reality of the Presence of God. Now we are filled with the living of this limitless Love, the unrestricted infinity of our very Life, this boundless Self we are

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