The Child's Path

Blankets  - Artwork by Sandy Jones

From William Samuel's Unpublished Private Journal - 1982

The Child's Way and the Holy Spirit are the same 

The Child’s Way is the Way of the Holy Sprit.

The Child’s Way is the Christ Light’s Way.

The experience of the Holy Spirit is the point at which one touches the Child’s path. The experience of being “born again” (which one FEELS and KNOWS is unique and wonderful, unlike anything that has happened in his life before) is the birth of the subjective idea wherein one is becoming acquainted with the INTERNAL nature of Being and the Universe.

The study of subjectivism is the external school of the Child, though I don’t know a single metaphysics in the world (except for original Christianity and Original Taoism) which knows of the significance of the Child within us.

Granted, theology certainly speaks of the Soul of Man and its importance, but somewhere the Soul’s identity as the Child of God-- which is the Child one IS--was lost and is no longer taught.

Perhaps the return of this idea constitutes what Jesus spoke of as the Comforter that comes following. If so, these words come to hail the Comforter which comes to do all things. Whatever may be the case, there is no doubt in my mind that this work heralds the beginning of the blossoming of the Tree of Life, the final flowering, the Seed of which will be the Chosen, the plucked and taken away into another time and space. There become the New Planting for the next Pulse of Light, somewhere else in Godhead.

Those who perceive this Idea will become part of the new community of Correspondents whose efforts will become dramatically synergistic to their own amazement and take place ABOVE the battles that will rage full fledged around them. These Children will take no sides. They will battle neither for the right nor the left, neither for the right nor

the wrong, nor even for the good against the evil, knowing a higher Good that transcends even as it encompasses all human concepts. They will be cognizant of the reasons for the worlds struggles, but as they live in the world and until the seed corn is gathered by God Himself they will continue to Love God with all their hearts and minds and they will love all mankind as themselves, constantly acting in their behalf for Good.

Buttercups and Meadow - by Sandy Jones


The practice of Being ones Self

is an experience very much akin

to the little roadside buttercup

that blooms along the country pathways here.

It just "be's" itself and blooms;

then each season it looks out

on an ever growing circle of Itself.

That's what we do.

We just "be's" who and what we be--
with neither regard nor regret
for approval or disapproval. 

William Samuel 

The soul is indestructible and it's activity will continue through eternity. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Soul of us it the Real of us. It is the living freedom of our unbound Identity - who we are. It is the wholeness of the Infinite, and It Lives right here, as the Life you are. You are so much more than you have been educated to think you are. You are more than you see, you are transcending time and rising beyond matter's limited notions of reality.. We are the magical mystery of Being and It is this Life we are, here and now, not someday, now. We find that divine Essence of our Self, the Enthusiasm and Joy, releasing this creative mind from the mistaken beliefs. We feel the sacred beauty of this tender heart, the fearless heart - and we Live again - Sandy Jones


Unbound Joy

 Art Work by Sulamith Wulfing

Unbound Joy

That eternal Light of Life is the very Life you are. It lives as you, right here, right now. The Self is indestructible and its Unbound Joy will continue through eternity. Knowing this Light of Life, I listen and It shows me the Way. Honest and Bright, the Truth Shines for all and any who recognize It's Presence. Its Peace Is Here, It is the Love That is Being all Life, the life we are Living. It is ours, always Here. To see and know this Light of Life we must do it alone. No one else can Live it for us. We feel It's holy Goodness, and abide with Its Miracles and Wonders revealing to us there is only One Infinite Mind and It is God Itself. That is the Mysterious Power, It is Omniscience Itself, the All Being All. There is no other. Just You and It. Then to delight in the Joy of knowing there is nothing outside of this One. It's Here within the Heart, you and It alone. No committee, no government, no votes, no - just This and It's Self I am. This is the Living Truth, the Honest Light, That One that leads us Home.

Living This Holy Light

 Art Work - by Sulamith Wolfing 

Years ago, William Samuel sent me these words attributed to Catherine of Sienna - This touched my soul deeply.

"One day after a period of introspective prayer and grand enlightenment suddenly she arose and said, "My me is God.... Nor do I see any other me but my God himself." - Catherine of Sienna

We are all Living this holy Light, our Real Identity, the One Identity - in fact we can't be anything other than This. Living this Truth, It is proves Itself true. This marvelous, mystical Life. We find ourselves to be this unleashed, carefree Mystery, one to one, alone the Infinite, boundless God the One and Only All - enjoying the Exquisite vision of heaven on earth - happily in love with the world, fearless we can live with our Heart wide open to God's Living Presence.

Infinite Self

Happy Blooms - by Sandy Jones

Infinite Self

Let the Heart of us be willing, curious, interested, eager to learn. That holy Child, the Real of our Self knows that This Infinite Presence is Here, taking care of this Life we are. We touch this Unassailable Light within ourself, knowing God is unharmed by the changing 'things', time and matter, all will be what It will be. Everything is perfectly here and it never leaves or forsakes us. We are the Living the Light of Divine Intelligence, of Infinite Mind. As the Child we can feel the Presence and Its gentle balance, the peaceful, buoyant grace of our own holy spirit within us. We feel Its easy enthusiasm of this optimistic heart. We can live In happy expectations for whatever might be. Life is God and God has Its Perfect reasons. It is always Good to realize there is no other Life, nothing separate or apart from this Intangible Realty being, seeing, Living this Identity. The changeless Child - I That I Am - this holy Child is Myself.


Balanced Beauty

 Sparkles Came Home - by Sandy Jones

Balanced Beauty 

This one, the balanced beauty is the original, divine Selfhood, she is timeless, she is undying Life. This heart of mine dances to the song of Life. It is the uninhibited holy Child that feels the sublime rapture of this Living Light that makes all things new. This Light of ourself transcends time. We are the Way of Tao, Life Itself. This pure Light is the Soul of our self, It opens the gates to the Meadow, a safe haven, a secret place of radiance within, right here, always here. Now, the commonplace world becomes seen as wonder and magic that holds us so near and dear, embracing us in Its scintillating beauty. The holy Child we are, the One that Lives in mysterious ways, knows this place well. It is the deep peace that pours forth Its sweet feeling of home, safe in the arms of the Beloved Infinite Presence, a Universe of supernal Love. I am filled with the holy joy of Life. In love with This that I am, alive and real, the self of myself, untamed, unbound - captivated by this Divine Seducing Song. Who could resist? We find It, we know. We are moved, we feel Its charm, Its yearning Beauty pulling us in, we touch this Holiness that says “Come, hold me close, I want to dance with you.”  

The Millennial Peace

 The Millennial Peace

The Millennial Peace - William Samuel - "The Child Within Us Lives!"

If we expect the end of human problems, global problems, problems in nature or from cosmic reaches, the end begins here and now with the Awareness viewing these words. One does not arrive at the end of catastrophes, shortages, wars—personal or global—while waiting for OTHERS to discover the truth WITH us. No! If we wait for others to discover and live the truth with us, we wait in vain past the midnight hour. ALONE, all alone, we begin right here and do the job for our world OURSELF! As Awareness, we do this ourself.
The Millennial Peace begins with YOU reader. The heralded Era lies in you hands of comprehension—not a government’s, not in many working in organizational concert. The onus is yours to act on here and now! So, we get at it!……not we, but I. “I” get busy and return to the beginning. I return to the primal Christ light that observes and understands the perfection before it. I do. Not my others. Others see this example perhaps and as an added thing may go and do likewise. But, the perception of others perceiving and beginning to live the Truth comes as intellectual confirmation and really isn’t important, for even when we see the world still destroying beliefs and dreams of misplaced value, we understand THAT appearance too—and understand why it is good. Not bad—good! - William Samuel - "The Child Within Us Lives!"