Springtime in my little shop - Ojai 

The kingdom is here - 

We certainly fall more in love with Life when we realize the world exists because God is this Living Isness being all that Is. As we live this mystical understanding, we become gentler and at peace with all that we see and all that we are. Godhead is the Eternal Fact. The universe of tangibility is Its Self-confirmation following in time. The two, spirit and matter, these two are one.
Tangibility is the delineation of Infinity.

God is inseparable from this tangible experience. That's because God is actually the Only One Here. The Living Mind of God alone, the Only Mind here; Deific Solipsism.

In this great dance, giver and receiver are one. We suddenly realize how little it matters which of the two roles one happens to play at a given time. Beyond time, our true self rests in itself in perfect stillness. Within time, this is realized by a graceful give-and-take in the dance of life. As in a fast spinning top, the stillness and the dance are one. Only in that oneness is true self-sufficiency. The Life we are is One with the Infinite MInd, this Light of God. God and God's Awareness is all inclusive, it includes everyone and everything that Is, ever was, or will be. -

 Pink climbing roses, springtime and blue sky - Ojai

In The Light of Truth 

We come from the Light, we return to the Light - the Eternal Light that is Life. “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” This Light is the "I" Identity we are. This Light we are is beyond this measurable light. This Light is One Light, all inclusive Light, Living Mind of God and Its Awareness being this Awareness we are. God is All That Is. We are breaking free from the erroneous objective materialist view, the mistaken beliefs based on the false concepts of separation, erroneous beliefs about human evolution, time and matter. Living these mistaken precepts, we've given power the objective things, to the lies and liars, the powerless authorities, rather than to the Truth, the Forever Lasting Mind that Is being the very Life of you and me. In the most mystical way, all Life points directly to the Immortal Being of this Life we are. The shadows seen by our false perceptions lead to the Tree, to God, the Truth, the Everlasting Life we are. Our Identity is God's Infinite Awareness. There is only One Mind functioning Here. We have never been outside of this Light, we have always been Living this Truth we are. No longer denying the Truth - we fall deeply in Love with Life, with Truth, with our Real identity, and Live this Joy of Being the Light of God's ongoing Wonders . -

 Roses and Lavender  - My Ojai Garden 

Sweet Light of Truth 

The way to do any good for our world is to begin with the Light within ourself and Live It. Because we are the world we walk through, because we see what we be. It's an ageless and quantum thing to know; “When you make the two into one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside and the above like the below … then you will enter the kingdom.” Realizing this, understanding there is only One Self-Knowing Presence here - and It is God - we surrender to the beauty of this Truth. It brings a sense of relief and we feel the Presence of this heavenly peace. We see through the veil of the erroneous beliefs in separation. We are no longer accepting some ridged, fear based precept that we are separate and apart or far away from this Light of God. Life, the Life God Is, Is here, being All That Is. The scene changes, the kingdom is here, the Meadow appears - and It was always here. This Life we are living Is the Light of God that Lives Itself as this Illimitable Intelligence. This Intelligence is far greater than we can know. Yet, It is being our very Identity, the Life we are and always were. And, no matter what we do, this Ineffable Light Divine Mind, goes right on being Here, being Its Self, Living Its Immutable Reality - One Infinite Life being All That Is.

 Lilac Tree Blooms - Ojai

When We Know

When we know who we are, we know what Love is. We know we are a spark of Life's Divine Intelligence, we are living the Infinite Mind of God. God is the One and Only Life Here. When we know that God really is All That Is, then this Heart of ours comes alive, and we are filled with holy Light. The universe spins in Infinite wonders, the moon rises, the sun shines, the waters flow, the flowers listen and the seasons bring the changes We are the Living Tree of Life - and God knows Itself in All That Is. It is a great Joy when we see for ourself that God really is All That Is. No one can teach us this, It's Something we experience within ourself. When we know, we know we know. As Lao Tse said “The world is already a perfect vessel and whoever tries to improve it, spoils it.” Oh, how often we see this proven true. It would do this world well to know that we are living the Infinite Mind of God, That Intelligence is this world we see and be. We have all we need to know and be, right here within our Self. It is our original divine Imprint. No one can give this holy Imprint to us, It is the very Light of God and It is being this Identity we are. When we find and Live this Real identity, we listen to ourself. We live our divine heritage and we Live our freedom. When the Heart is open, vulnerable, soft, It hears the Truth, It knows. When Love is felt, the healing will always happen.

 Flowers in the light - Artist unknown 

The New Day 

The Child is the Middle way, the 'third eye' which is the "I" That-I-Am, this Identity we are. The Child stands wholly between duality and non-duality - and understands both.  The Child lives joyfully in the tangible world of time and matter, while knowing It's eternal Isness, God, the One Light which is always here. The Real of us is the Innocence, the pure Heart of our Original Nature, the "eye of the beholder."  The Child brings a shift, a soft, and gentle shift within us and yet so evident and present, real, beautiful and alive. We don't deny anything about this world - the shadows that come and go- are now seen as magical gifts that serve a divine purpose, leading us back to what is Real. Everything is seen as quite perfect just the way it is -  brilliant, absolutely brilliant.  Knowing, seeing, being the Balance wherein the two become one; duality and non-duality merge, spirit and matter meld, brings the Balance, the Middle way. It happens right Here within us. We find this Inner Child and the world we experience and see becomes new. Now we are free to live in the world, in love with this Life we are - no longer battling for or against, no taking sides - but fully delighted with All That Is. Now we are happy to live our life our own way. There is no need to change others.  And we grow and bloom and learn more, and see, rise up, and understand this is the way we bring the dawn of the New Day. 

 Lavender Springtime Beauty in the Garden

The Living Spirit 

The past is powerless, the future is non-existent, so let it be, move lightly, like a butterfly on the air. Feel the Joy and Beauty of this holy Meadow of Life we are given to Love. It's Living Spirit lifts us up like a playful breeze dancing with the leaves. We all know what Love is. It is our nature. We see It's Being in everyting - and we are set free. We are free to Live in love with Life, open to Life. We are given a heart filled with childlike wonder and Its pure delight. Yours are the eyes through which the Light looks and sees Its own Livingness, all with kindness, tenderly, with love. We surrender, defenseless. There is really nothing we can do, but let it be. We are not responsible for how others live or do what they do. We are here to Love, and to Live without resistance to this Life we are. How beautiful this is. We are here, already the happy carefree Child of this Infinite Light. So we be It, we be the gift of this that we are - and Live It.

 Mystical Lavender Garden - 

Knowing What Is

Knowing what is real and true about Life, is knowing our own Self as a glorious fractal of the Divine Ever-ongoing Eternal Isness. You see, you know for yourself this Light of God is Real and you live this Unbound joyful Truth. Being here, being the holy spark of That Which Is Real, the Everlasting Life we are. What is true cannot be lost nor hidden from the Heart and Soul of us. The Wonder of God is this wind blown freedom of an irresistible and effortless Beauty that Lives within us. We find It here in the open meadow, the wildflowers under the glimmering periwinkle sky. We know the Truth of God in the moonlight song heard echoing ten thousand fathoms deep into starry night. This is quite plenty enough for to let us know the sublime Reality of the Presence of God. Now we are filled with the living of this limitless Love, the unrestricted infinity of our very Life, this boundless Self we are