Morning Light - by Sandy Jones 

The Pure Heart 

We are living and being the Divine Light of Life whether we know who we are or we don't, whether we understand our own divinity or we don't, it makes no difference to this Light of Life. It knows Itself and it is perfectly Here, no matter who knows what. Life is always being this Life we are. When we realize this, our world is seen, felt, understood in new ways. Everything is easier, as we live the fresh wonders of this realization. We know this Infinite Light of God is Love. We know who we are and that's all we need to know. This is the Mystery of the holy Child, the pure heart within us, the Self being God's Divine unfolding. God is Reality iItself. It is Unbound Love appearing as this tangible world of people, places and thins. There is no other Self here, there is only God being Here as this Awareness of Life, the divine MInd, the Consiousness we are. We cannot be separate from God, not ever. This Life we are goes right on being Life. We are the holy Child of God's Awareness of Itself. No matter if we know this, or don't know this, nothing will change that Truth, the Reality of God which is being All That is and All That we are. This is the extraordinary Joy we can find, because the Heart knows it is so. Love reveals this to us, it is the Way of Innocence and our Everlasting Light of Freedom and Joy

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