Roses  by Sandy Jones

One Light of Life 

Even if others could tell us the Truth, we'd not know it was true until we found it for ourself, within our self. Relative objective truth is always changing, never absolutely true and slippery to stand on. Finding the Primary Truth is possible and That Truth is stable. We find It through the Heart, from out of a very childlike, pure, innocent Leap of Faith. Is God Really All That Is? Is God the One and Only Presence Being this Life we are? We have to try it out and see for ourself: We have to Live it in faith, in order to know for sure. It takes the childlike feeling, a sweet and pure trusting that God IS Real and God Is All. This pristine, innocent feeling is the Divine Imprint, the innate faith within us. There is a way of Knowing God and Living that 'relationship' One to one, directly. The holy Child within will lead us, and That brings us all kinds of answers. We begin to live again, in the world, while unfolding from our new found clarity. Even the objective world and human truth, the relative honesty and dishonesty is understood. God is Here and Is Seen in the most marvelous and mystical ways. We can find the Truth for ourself, and honestly Live the Beauty, Goodness and Wonders of this Life we are, right here, as It proves Itself to us.

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