Magical Meadow

Magical Meadow

The gentle light and soft cool evening breeze fills me with Love as the Beauty of Life touches my heart with peace. This wide-open Meadow magically shows up and I walk into this heavenly tranquillity - though I've not gone anywhere, but the world around me changes. It happens all the time. I stop a moment, a small shift within, a sweet recognition that I am Here. It's slight, a nano-second, nth degree, ever so touching and I can feel the Presence of God's Wonders. We are so rich, we are alive to this amazing world of mystical delights and magical whimsy, this enchanting Reality revealed. Seeing, feeling, touching the Infinite, eternal Being of Life. Yes It's Real. We are right here, Living this joyous, unbound freshness of this Timeless God, the One that is being the wholeness of myself. This delighted, uninhibited joy of the holy Child returns, is rediscovered - always Here. Not what I thought I would find, but so much more wonderful - It is indeed what I am. And It unfolds, and grows and brings more of Its bounty, the joyful freedom to be myself, be who I am and Live this Honest Light, this sacred Love, that can't be held - but fills all time and space.

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