The Meadow  by Sandy Jones

Miracles and Wonders

These are the days of miracles and wonders. We are realizing Life is a quantum, subjective, metaphysical experience. All that appears as a measurable material objective world, is, in reality, the Infinite reflections of God, images within the One and Only Mind. When we discover the joyful Truth of our Identity and Live from this balanced holy Child we have found within us - then something remarkable happens; our journey of Self-discovery reveals the powerlessness of the old objective, authoritarian systems. We can see through the mist of beliefs that gave human governments, religions, organized systems, and all that appeared as external authorities, to be in control of the world. We are breaking the spell cast over us. We are letting go of the mistaken belief that the world is a material, objective place outside of us. As we see the Truth of our Real Self, the incorrect view of life loses that illusionary hold over us. We are in the midst of experiencing this change. We have opened the door to the Divine Presence of God and found the Child we are. The holy Child shows us our fearless freedoms as we Live our True Nature. This shift, going from the exclusively external view of Life, to the balanced, all inclusive subjective view, finding our Self and LIVING from this Child's heart of Hearts - This is bringing the bounty of God's Love - as the Tree of Life comes into bloom, letting us all know and Live heaven on earth.

 Autumn Day - by Sandy Jones 

Simply So 

I continue to live this optimistic feeling in my heart and soul. I really can't do otherwise. Every day, I wake in the morning and I see how amazing Life is. This Awareness I am, It is right here, always here. I can sleep and dream and yet the whole while, I am held in the Presence of God, this Awareness that is Being ALL that Is. Awareness is here. I don't have to plug it in, or turn a switch on, or wind it up - It's just simply, quietly, unobtrusively, imperceptibly, Always Here. And Glory Be,That's how God Is. It is being Everything about life that is Here, because the very nature of Life IS God. And It is Always Here, no one can ever be outside of this Presence, no matter what happens, no matter what, this Living Light is the miraculous Isness of Something that Is Here, untouched and unchanged by all the ever-ongoing changes that keep right on unfolding Here within this Awareness, in this most mystical and incomprehensible way. How extraordinary to be Living this Light of God by just being here, just being who we are. And God is not asking us to be anything other than This. It is wonderful, I smile, it is divine and so I be It.

bubbles - 


Life is a joyful journey of unexpected surprises. Living of Life is Serendipity Itself. We see the Wonder and Unbound delights of our very own being when we rediscover the holy Child we are. Open and In Love with Life, we find Wonder everywhere, in everything, right here where we are. The inside is the outside. How divine to feel this harmonious song in our heart showing us the beauty of a simple day - in all its heavenly perfection. Just being here is a most extraordinary experience. How can It happen that I'm always exactly where I am supposed to be. And I am. And I can think of you and you are here, in my heart, always. How beautiful the Serendipity of It all and to feel that little sprinkling of good fortune, here, there, always and everywhere. Those divine and lucky stars that touch our soul. God's Mind, spinning the magic that bubbles up. How does it all happen, I don't know, but I'll take it. Sweet life - sweet love - sweet joy - sweet Mystery of this Infinite Cosmic Light. We are all simply floating through a garden of exquisite beauty, watching the whole sky, the day, the night, the universe, fully alive, bursting with the laughter of God. The world sings Its love songs, It is the Music of the Spheres that says I love you. Some tender enchantment within us brings this gentle freedom to feel this way as It dances and sways with us, sweet and easy - Yes, always

 Floral Pink Vase  by Sandy Jones

 Light of Eternity

We are each and all living this Light of Eternity. No one would have asked for all this anguish we see in our world. But right here, right now, we can find the beauty of the evening light and soft sounds of happiness, feel the cool evening breeze. Gentle wonders are Here. It feels like its time to test drive this Beauty. Live it, no matter what happens in our world or to our world, I'll stay with this Peace that has found me. I will love it all from the Heart of this tender innocence of the holy Child that leads me. We are all That Child. It is our Divine heritage. Knowing this, then there is no other way for me. I feel it, It is Here. I know the Child will survive - this side of time and the other.

Sweet Dreams  by Sandy Jones

The Child Again

While the sophisticated, well informed adult declares there is no God but mankind himself, I know better. What I have found exists above and beyond these erudite, stagnant concepts. There is the faith we find that is not faith in the world, not faith in humanity, not faith in things that come and go - but fresh, alive, arising from the Living Faith that is the Presence of God Itself. And yes, this faith remains with me always. There truly is a transcendent way of living in this world, above the commotion and turmoil and divisive fights over insipid concepts and stale beliefs. We can each discover our real Identity, and then, finding ourself whole, we are indeed alive and enriched, able to do for ourself what we are here to do, as we find and Live the Child again. Here we are at peace with this world. We return to our true and divine, ungovernable nature, a place within us that includes our entire universe. In the Balance between, being firmly in the world, knowing this is holy ground - and lifted up by this understanding that comes when we listen to our Self and Trust that Light within us. This Child's faith opens the doors to wonders and mystery and magic, answers are found and truth is seen clearly - It is Divine.

 Morning Light - by Sandy Jones 

The Pure Heart 

We are living and being the Divine Light of Life whether we know who we are or we don't, whether we understand our own divinity or we don't, it makes no difference to this Light of Life. It knows Itself and it is perfectly Here, no matter who knows what. Life is always being this Life we are. When we realize this, our world is seen, felt, understood in new ways. Everything is easier, as we live the fresh wonders of this realization. We know this Infinite Light of God is Love. We know who we are and that's all we need to know. This is the Mystery of the holy Child, the pure heart within us, the Self being God's Divine unfolding. God is Reality iItself. It is Unbound Love appearing as this tangible world of people, places and thins. There is no other Self here, there is only God being Here as this Awareness of Life, the divine MInd, the Consiousness we are. We cannot be separate from God, not ever. This Life we are goes right on being Life. We are the holy Child of God's Awareness of Itself. No matter if we know this, or don't know this, nothing will change that Truth, the Reality of God which is being All That is and All That we are. This is the extraordinary Joy we can find, because the Heart knows it is so. Love reveals this to us, it is the Way of Innocence and our Everlasting Light of Freedom and Joy

Sailing   - by Sandy Jones

Find The Truth

I think these days are most amazing and wonderful. We can reclaim our own divine individuality, take the hand of our Original Self and run with It. These days of information overload are giving us no choice but to retreat, go within and find the Truth for ourself. And we can and we will. Each of us, one by one., alone, finding our way back to our pure simple divinity. We know that real security cannot be bought or given to us through government agencies. In the U.S. our government was originally created to protect our rights, not to lord over our rights and make us all subjects to the insanity of the governing powers. Society is made of individuals, I prefer to listen to my Self, to the Inner Guide and stand true with That. Each of us can listen to our own heart and find the guiding Light of our Soul. It is the holy Child within. It is our Divine Imprint, the Original Nature we came here to live and be. We find uncover the Child again, find It by way of grace and love - and Something Wonderful that is with us Always.