The Millennial Peace

The Millennial Peace - William Samuel - "The Child Within Us Lives!"

If we expect the end of human problems, global problems, problems in nature or from cosmic reaches, the end begins here and now with the Awareness viewing these words. One does not arrive at the end of catastrophes, shortages, wars—personal or global—while waiting for OTHERS to discover the truth WITH us. No! If we wait for others to discover and live the truth with us, we wait in vain past the midnight hour. ALONE, all alone, we begin right here and do the job for our world OURSELF! As Awareness, we do this ourself.
The Millennial Peace begins with YOU reader. The heralded Era lies in you hands of comprehension—not a government’s, not in many working in organizational concert. The onus is yours to act on here and now! So, we get at it!……not we, but I. “I” get busy and return to the beginning. I return to the primal Christ light that observes and understands the perfection before it. I do. Not my others. Others see this example perhaps and as an added thing may go and do likewise. But, the perception of others perceiving and beginning to live the Truth comes as intellectual confirmation and really isn’t important, for even when we see the world still destroying beliefs and dreams of misplaced value, we understand THAT appearance too—and understand why it is good. Not bad—good! - William Samuel - "The Child Within Us Lives!"

Magical Meadow

Magical Meadow

The gentle light and soft cool evening breeze fills me with Love as the Beauty of Life touches my heart with peace. This wide-open Meadow magically shows up and I walk into this heavenly tranquillity - though I've not gone anywhere, but the world around me changes. It happens all the time. I stop a moment, a small shift within, a sweet recognition that I am Here. It's slight, a nano-second, nth degree, ever so touching and I can feel the Presence of God's Wonders. We are so rich, we are alive to this amazing world of mystical delights and magical whimsy, this enchanting Reality revealed. Seeing, feeling, touching the Infinite, eternal Being of Life. Yes It's Real. We are right here, Living this joyous, unbound freshness of this Timeless God, the One that is being the wholeness of myself. This delighted, uninhibited joy of the holy Child returns, is rediscovered - always Here. Not what I thought I would find, but so much more wonderful - It is indeed what I am. And It unfolds, and grows and brings more of Its bounty, the joyful freedom to be myself, be who I am and Live this Honest Light, this sacred Love, that can't be held - but fills all time and space.

Awakening to The Light 

Awakening to The Light

I doubt any one is shocked by all the dishonesty and corruption being uncovered. There will be more. We are awakening to the Light. In this Light we see the old beliefs that clouded our view were never real or true. As the lies and deceptions are revealed, it is beneficial to know that the Omniscience of God remains Here and Now. Life Itself is the One Honest Living Truth and That cannot be controlled by anyone, no matter who they are. And this Infinite Presence will never fail us, crumble or fall away. We can discover for ourself that our very Identity is the holy Child of God. This Child-self is the Freedom God Is. The Child knows that human government, groups, institution, or any so called authority is powerless nothing . The Immutable Power is Life, Truth, God, the Infinite Mind That is All That Is. No one and nothing is outside of this Mind and its Awareness. Everything, all time, space and matter is within this Awareness. The measurable things change, but our Real identity is changeless, the holy Child is One with the Light of This Immeasurable Being. It is up to each of us, alone, to realize the Truth for ourself. We are not and can never be separate or apart from this Infinite Light of this Self we are. Our Freedom belongs to no one other than this Omnipresent Awareness, the One knowing and being our Real Identity. We are here to live from the Light of this holy Child's self-governance. and Joyful Love. This is the Inner Guide, and that Self shines Its bright Light of Intelligence and Love so that any dishonesty will be seen, divested off and vanish like the early morning mist on summer day. 

 Piano by Sandy Jones

At some point in our journey of Self-discovery we come to see and know for ourself, to truly understand that the world isn’t separated into self and other - there is Only One Self - and It is God alone. Yet being Infinite, God expresses In and as All That It Is. How Infinite Its glorious facets, Its unique, individual distinctions, Its creative Magnitude and Brilliance of Itself-knowing Reality and Beauty. We are Living It's unending Joyful Love as the One Intelligence knowing Itself fully, wholly being All That Is. We find our Self and we Live it, we stand on our own two feet and we Live It, knowing this Sacred Heart of God is the Living power within us, the Self born of God's Love. God is All and It Lives Its Joyful delight from within Itself and brings forth the holy Child of God, the Divine Identity I am, you are. Who can explain with logic and reason how God can Be the Only One Here, and yet we are here. We can find and Live the Divine holy Child and know that I am One with the Inseparable One. Son of God, Child of Being, Living and Knowing there is no other besides God, and still It is Indeed the Wonders never cease and Love is the Way. We find the Child within us and we Understand.

 Roses  by Sandy Jones

One Light of Life 

Even if others could tell us the Truth, we'd not know it was true until we found it for ourself, within our self. Relative objective truth is always changing, never absolutely true and slippery to stand on. Finding the Primary Truth is possible and That Truth is stable. We find It through the Heart, from out of a very childlike, pure, innocent Leap of Faith. Is God Really All That Is? Is God the One and Only Presence Being this Life we are? We have to try it out and see for ourself: We have to Live it in faith, in order to know for sure. It takes the childlike feeling, a sweet and pure trusting that God IS Real and God Is All. This pristine, innocent feeling is the Divine Imprint, the innate faith within us. There is a way of Knowing God and Living that 'relationship' One to one, directly. The holy Child within will lead us, and That brings us all kinds of answers. We begin to live again, in the world, while unfolding from our new found clarity. Even the objective world and human truth, the relative honesty and dishonesty is understood. God is Here and Is Seen in the most marvelous and mystical ways. We can find the Truth for ourself, and honestly Live the Beauty, Goodness and Wonders of this Life we are, right here, as It proves Itself to us.


The Meadow  by Sandy Jones

Miracles and Wonders

These are the days of miracles and wonders. We are realizing Life is a quantum, subjective, metaphysical experience. All that appears as a measurable material objective world, is, in reality, the Infinite reflections of God, images within the One and Only Mind. When we discover the joyful Truth of our Identity and Live from this balanced holy Child we have found within us - then something remarkable happens; our journey of Self-discovery reveals the powerlessness of the old objective, authoritarian systems. We can see through the mist of beliefs that gave human governments, religions, organized systems, and all that appeared as external authorities, to be in control of the world. We are breaking the spell cast over us. We are letting go of the mistaken belief that the world is a material, objective place outside of us. As we see the Truth of our Real Self, the incorrect view of life loses that illusionary hold over us. We are in the midst of experiencing this change. We have opened the door to the Divine Presence of God and found the Child we are. The holy Child shows us our fearless freedoms as we Live our True Nature. This shift, going from the exclusively external view of Life, to the balanced, all inclusive subjective view, finding our Self and LIVING from this Child's heart of Hearts - This is bringing the bounty of God's Love - as the Tree of Life comes into bloom, letting us all know and Live heaven on earth.

 Autumn Day - by Sandy Jones 

Simply So 

I continue to live this optimistic feeling in my heart and soul. I really can't do otherwise. Every day, I wake in the morning and I see how amazing Life is. This Awareness I am, It is right here, always here. I can sleep and dream and yet the whole while, I am held in the Presence of God, this Awareness that is Being ALL that Is. Awareness is here. I don't have to plug it in, or turn a switch on, or wind it up - It's just simply, quietly, unobtrusively, imperceptibly, Always Here. And Glory Be,That's how God Is. It is being Everything about life that is Here, because the very nature of Life IS God. And It is Always Here, no one can ever be outside of this Presence, no matter what happens, no matter what, this Living Light is the miraculous Isness of Something that Is Here, untouched and unchanged by all the ever-ongoing changes that keep right on unfolding Here within this Awareness, in this most mystical and incomprehensible way. How extraordinary to be Living this Light of God by just being here, just being who we are. And God is not asking us to be anything other than This. It is wonderful, I smile, it is divine and so I be It.