Sailing   - by Sandy Jones

Find The Truth

I think these days are most amazing and wonderful. We can reclaim our own divine individuality, take the hand of our Original Self and run with It. These days of information overload are giving us no choice but to retreat, go within and find the Truth for ourself. And we can and we will. Each of us, one by one., alone, finding our way back to our pure simple divinity. We know that real security cannot be bought or given to us through government agencies. In the U.S. our government was originally created to protect our rights, not to lord over our rights and make us all subjects to the insanity of the governing powers. Society is made of individuals, I prefer to listen to my Self, to the Inner Guide and stand true with That. Each of us can listen to our own heart and find the guiding Light of our Soul. It is the holy Child within. It is our Divine Imprint, the Original Nature we came here to live and be. We find uncover the Child again, find It by way of grace and love - and Something Wonderful that is with us Always.


"The Meadow" - by Sandy Jones

In The Mystical Meadow 

Isn't it so amazing?! We always return this sanctuary of peace, this abiding sense of knowing. We find that holy ground where we realize an effortless divine indifference - that's the place where the Light of Truth is and It reveals the transcendent vision infused with the sublime Honesty that recognizes there really is no difference here, we are on holy ground. Sometimes you have to take the long way around to get here. But once you arrive, you know you were always, already here. Here, where we feel the Truth and Its gentle peace flowing Its sweet relief over us. Like a holy baptizing, the worries and fears are washed away. We know we can't be anywhere else but here in this Light of Life's holy Majesty. We are touched by this real and sacred freedom that is not of this world, while at the same time It is right here, It is All That Is. Obviously here. It is the mystical Meadow, a slight shift of our inner vision, a change of heart - and It appears. It is within us, as our Self, always here and it is everywhere we are. We see it all. Whatever happens cannot harm or hinder the Light of God, the One Light That is Being All That Is. Those moments take root, we nurture them by recognizing their divinity and our sense of freedom. We are Living this unbound Divine Presence. The Joy of Life is Always here in the Meadow where the holy Child we are Lives right next to Reality, the Light of God, the Mind and Soul of All That Is. -


Wispy Wonders - by Sandy Jones

Two become One, Here in the middle of duality and non-duality, we find this third, the golden mean, the holy ground, this all inclusive place of the divine Equation. It fits perfectly and it works like magic. We enjoy now the sweet wonders of God's wispy fescue blowing in the wind, the bountiful gifts of waving golden beauty as we dance to the songs of love that play upon the sea of life's infinity. Now the material world is seen for the insubstantial image of Image it is. The material world is also perceived for the purpose it serves—to confirm God's allness. When the Child is finally found again, we become aware that the human saga is a perfect and necessary part of the a divne Intelligence that is leading us back to our Real Identity. It is the way of Love. Nothing about the human experience has been happenstance or outside the perfect Light of the One. We know now, and we thank this journey, understanding the reason it appeared so real, and the purpose the appearances serve. Images discovered as images, nothing real. Now we know for ourself - and that is exactly why we can say God really Is Love.


 "Starlight" by Sandy Jones

The only authority I am voting for is the holy Child we are. That divine Child will win, because It already has. As a Child of the Light of Eternal Life, we are all empowered with this Inner authority. As the Child, we discover our own individual self-governance, the divine government within. Here we sit at the right hand of Reality, interfacing our Identity with the Divine Intelligence, the One and Only True and Honest Government. The Child is as wise a serpent and as gentle as a dove. Not guilty, not defensive, not afraid. Fear and guilt are the old bugaboo that humanity drums up and foists on everyone. But the Child is unbound and carefree. As the Child of this divine Light we are not guilty and not afraid, because this Light of Awareness is God's Infinite Allness, alone and only. There is no human authority we must acquiesce to. Oh hallelujah, when we find and Live this Truth. This is the Way of the One Light that is being All That Is, right here and now. It is the very Self-Awareness we are, right here always. One by One we find and Know. This Identity the Child, the unharmed, pure, pristine soul, the Original self you came into this world to be. The holy Child Lives, unbound and free, as the Infinite Intelligence of the One Mind, this Awareness we are. We move and be with the Divine Equation, giving and receiving. It All works Its perfect harmony and Truth - and you find It and you LIve It - and Your sparkling eyes make All This easy to see. -

 Footpath to the Beach- Corona del Mar, California

The Carefree Child 

Love is the common denominator - the rest of it is unpredictable. So best to let Love be the balance in our life. This wind blown Joy of Self discovery carries us lightly over the stones, the bumps, the ditches along this road of life. The magic never ends. It's always here. We are living one Infinite, boundless, beautiful world. It's like being on a treasure hunt, exploring the depth of our very soul, the unending Universe, the Mind of God we are Living. We can find and follow this unbound, uninhibited, honest Child we are. That unadulterated, unconditioned pure Self of us is very willing and able to show us the way. It returns to us, it is the same child we once were. When I was very young, I would walk to the beach all by myself. The beach was a few blocks from my home. There was a rugged dirt trail along the cliff that led down to the beach.. Now the trail is manicured domesticated and tamed. No more wild, slippery daring down the steep path. Years ago it was a secret way to the beach. We were filled with Life as we skipped and scampered barefoot and tanned, trekking on the hot dirt crumbling rocks and dust. We can reclaim that glorious holy spirt of the pristine Child, the magic of that vibrant Child is still here, forever sparkling in the heart, and soul of us all. It is the divine mystery, it is the true purpose, it is to find that carefree Child - and then - it is possible - to Live again.

 Garden Studio Summer - Ojai 

Our Rightful Identity

Ask them "Do you know who you are?"  I think we are soon going to awaken from the false programming we believe about our Identity. Each soon to realize our True Identity. The "old man" is the liar that bases his foundation on erroneous beliefs about his Identity.  The human doctrines having accepted the false paradigm that says 'we are mortal, one among many, limited to time and matter, possessors of a brain, custodian of a body that has a life inside of it, of a few days and full of trouble. Not so, not so. We shall soon realize we are Eternal Life, and God is the Only Life Here.  It is time to claim our Divine Heritage and Live our Real Identity. Seeing the Truth about this Self we are, changes everything, totally and wholly. When we know and Live the Truth, that Truth renders all the liars and the lies powerless. Those who find the holy Child, know their Eternal Nature and will survive in joyful ways. Living the Honest Identity will change the world.  It happens by the very action of making this Self-discovery, uncovering our Original Nature. We find the Truth of our Eternal Selfhood and we Live again, we live this holy Child's Honest Way, balanced and in love with our world as our Self.  No one can control or fool those who know their Rightful Identity. God alone is All That Is, there is no other. God is the Alone, Infinite Light, the immeasurable One being All That I-Am and All that You Are - God - the One and Only Honest One Here

Corona del Mar - Summer Evening - 

Independence Day - 

These days remind me that we are ripe and ready to find the holy Child. We can find our Self, and It is strong, self-reliant, intelligent, it our individual Real Self. We find our Real Identity and we know we are already free, independent, and quite capable of making things work for ourself. Tough and brave, bold and sassy, the Holy Spirit we are is our True Self and we are Here we Live It. We claim our divine Heritage, we stand as individuals, as the holy Spirit, the Child we are. That One won't get knocked down easily. We see clearly, and we won't let any overbearing human government imprison this holy Spirit we are. That Spirit is the Divine Child of God, sovereign, powerful, intelligent, and free to think for ourself. Between This uninhibited holy Heart and God we find the authority to live and be true to ourself, preferring to explore and experience all that we are capable of. As we uncover the pristine, pure Identity for ourself, we find the Joy of living and learning. Here to discover and Know our own Self our own Unbound Joy of our True, Eternal Identity. We find It right here within us. Just me, just you, all of us independently knowing we Live right up close to the Infinite Mind, the Light of Life, God Itself, that Is Here and Now - Always being This Life I-Am. Knowing This, we find we have all it takes Live and be the Child of this Light, One with the only Real Government, the Only Honest Government that is Being Life Itself. That's where the Real freedom Lives - and we are That.