Life is a joyful journey of unexpected surprises. Living of Life is Serendipity Itself. We see the Wonder and Unbound delights of our very own being when we rediscover the holy Child we are. Open and In Love with Life, we find Wonder everywhere, in everything, right here where we are. The inside is the outside. How divine to feel this harmonious song in our heart showing us the beauty of a simple day - in all its heavenly perfection. Just being here is a most extraordinary experience. How can It happen that I'm always exactly where I am supposed to be. And I am. And I can think of you and you are here, in my heart, always. How beautiful the Serendipity of It all and to feel that little sprinkling of good fortune, here, there, always and everywhere. Those divine and lucky stars that touch our soul. God's Mind, spinning the magic that bubbles up. How does it all happen, I don't know, but I'll take it. Sweet life - sweet love - sweet joy - sweet Mystery of this Infinite Cosmic Light. We are all simply floating through a garden of exquisite beauty, watching the whole sky, the day, the night, the universe, fully alive, bursting with the laughter of God. The world sings Its love songs, It is the Music of the Spheres that says I love you. Some tender enchantment within us brings this gentle freedom to feel this way as It dances and sways with us, sweet and easy - Yes, always
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