Floral In Pink - by Sandy Jones 

Poetic Reflections 

The world of sparkling, dancing sunlight, shining colors through a prism, crystal clear Mind, divine facets of unending Joy. A rainbow of light never to be found or touched, yet seen in all its magical beauty. The world, abundant bounty, divine riches projected images of Being. Light Eternal appearing, seeing visions of this world we are. The rays of God, integral to the Infinite, integral to the One Reality behind the moving, feeling, seeing, knowing, dancing beauty we are. Sweet harmony of flickering rhythmic glory essential to the Allness, the Totality we are living. Impossible holy reflections everywhere at once, evidently here, seen before our very own eyes. The living mystical wonderland of iridescence displaying Its Love as a world of Inexplicable Beauty, Imperishable Being. Living the brilliant radiance of pink and gold, crimson, and the azure blue, dazzled by the varied action of a summer sky, a sunset's uninhibited love merging with the sea of Sacred Mystery. This Love takes me, as Its wonders pull me sensuously into Its Holy Embrace.

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